Dian Krishna Mukti Indo Miss 2003

Sabtu, 21 September 2013

Dian Krishna Mukti born Jakarta, 26 Nopember 1977, education S-1 Psychology, Lewis & Clark College in the U.S. State of Oregon, S-2 Mass Communication at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia. Achievements: Miss Indonesia 2003.

Bachelor's degree completion in the U.S. in 1999, Dian returned to Indonesia, had two years working at a research company before continuing S-2 study in Australia.

kangaroo country after the 30-year-old bachelor is proposed to be a reporter on the Trans TV.Namun sports world seems more interesting stage. He was willing to leave dirintisnya new jobs to concentrate on the event Puteri Indonesia.

Success in the contest apparently does not make Dian forget his first love as a journalist, but this time chose Metro TV.



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